Sustainability strategy

Sustainability is a value that guides us every day. We at ARBONIA climate want to contribute substantially to energy transition and climate protection.

The potential is huge: The building sector causes an important share of Europe's CO₂ emissions, with a share of over 30%.

Our smart systems for heating, cooling, ventilation and energy storage help change just that. For example, by offering solutions that enable energy-efficient renovations of all kinds of buildings.

For a world that finds answers to the questions of our time.

High targets for much
less CO₂ emission

350,000 tons of CO₂. That is the additive saving we aim to achieve by 2025 through the operation of energy-efficient products at our customers. A figure by which we measure ourselves and a target we aim to achieve through the use of resource-saving heat pumps, energy-efficient radiators and energy storage systems, among other things. 

Our savings in the years 2020 to 2023: 224,387 tons of CO₂.

Reducing the
energy required

We believe in green technologies and the opportunities they will open up for us in the coming years and decades. With numerous innovative projects, we are particularly driving the optimization and development of products that can increase the energy efficiency of buildings. All product systems are perfectly matched, to open up significant additional energy-saving potential. 

We believe that the best energy is the energy that is not consumed.

Sustainable across the entire process chain

We have obtained the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for all steel radiators. The label is awarded by the IBU Institut für Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (Institute for Construction and Environment) and makes the environmental impact of products transparent and comparable across the entire process chain. By using EPD-verified products, specialist partners can demonstrate the environmental performance increasingly demanded in tenders and the awarding of subsidies, thus securing competitive advantages and implementing more sustainable building concepts overall.

We are committed
to making a change

ARBONIA climate is clearly committed to an environmentally sustainable economy. As part of Arbonia AG, we support the Paris Climate Agreement. To this end, we will substantially reduce the intensity of our Scope 1–3 emissions by 2035. We are committed to the ten universal principles of sustainable and responsible corporate governance of the UN Global Compact. We support the EU's European Green Deal, which aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent.

For us, a natural atmosphere in any room includes a healthy climate on this planet.